Maximize Your Influence

Credibility is based on 3 things: your knowledge, track record, and appearance.  What it comes down to is that you are believable and have the expertise to make things happen or solve their challenge.  The perception could be based on your demeanor, mannerisms, or dress. 

Rage clicks - Study shows how political outrage fuels social media engagement

If you are experiencing any of the above, it is time to borrow credibility. What? Can you borrow credibility?  The answer is absolutely.  Join me for this week’s podcast on How To Borrow Credibility In A Low Trust World.  Discover the secrets of using persuasion techniques to enhance your credibility by borrowing from others.

Direct download: Podcast_535_-_How_To_Borrow_Credibility_In_A_Low_Trust_World.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 6:11am CST

Researchers suggest that willpower and self-discipline can weaken after doing sequential tasks, much like an overused muscle strained to fatigue or a battery that has lost its charge.  The results proved interesting in looking at the two groups—one that ate cookies (requiring no willpower) and one that ate radishes (exercising their willpower against the tantalizing cookie smell).

Do you want more success?  Increase your willpower?  Have unlimited confidence?  Join me for this week’s podcast on Get Your Game On With Dre Baldwin. 

 I will interview Dre Baldwin, who will give you more willpower and confidence and help you get game in the business world.  Discover the keys of a professional athlete that will dramatically increase your success.

What is your Persuasion IQ? FInd out here for free!

For more info about Dre find his info here.


Direct download: Podcast_534_-_Get_Your_Game_On_With_Dre_Baldwin.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 6:11am CST

Praise and compliments can backfire or be disbelieved for several reasons, especially when perceived as fake or insincere. Here are the top 4 reasons why praise could backfire on you.

That ‘Compliment’ Might Actually Be Offensive

Praise must be genuine, specific, and aligned with reality to be effective and credible. Overpraising or manipulating through praise can make people uneasy or skeptical, undermining its intended effects.  Join me for this week’s podcast on Why Your Compliments And Praise Backfire And Seem Manipulative.  We will discuss the trend of people rejecting praise, why they don’t accept your compliment, and how to use praise that people accept.


Identifying whether someone is a narcissist requires looking for key behaviors and personality traits that align with narcissistic tendencies

 Why You Should Sleep on it Before Making an Important Decision

Finding a narcissist involves looking for patterns of behavior that revolve around self-importance, lack of empathy, and manipulative tendencies. Want to know how to persuade a narcissist? 

Join me for this week’s podcast on How To Persuade And Earn The Respect Of A Narcissist.  Discover why a narcissist thinks the way they do and what to do if they are in your path and you need to persuade them.

Can You Captivate and Close with Charisma?

Do You Ever Wonder How Some People Can Persuade And Motivate On Command?

Take a quick Presentation IQ assessment.  Let’s identify how to take your presentation and influence skills to the next level.  You will also receive my Perfect Persuasion Presentation template and video training for helping out with my research.



Direct download: Podcast_532_-_How_To_Persuade_And_Earn_The_Respect_Of_A_Narcissist.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 6:11am CST

Numerous studies have been conducted on the impact of scent and fragrances on association. A study conducted among undergraduate students found that female students wearing perfume were rated more attractive by male students.  Scents were even found to improve scores on job evaluations. Of course, offensive odors can also be used (and have been used) to evoke a negative response.

Sensory Marketing; The Smell of Cinnamon That Made Me Buy

Want to know more about sensory marketing?  Get your prospect more involved using their sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell.  Join me for this week’s podcast on Using Smells And Sensory Marketing To Increase Influence.  Discover how to instantly influence others using the senses.