Maximize Your Influence

“Breaking the mirror” is a term used to describe how lawyers intentionally disrupt the psychological connection, or rapport, with a witness on the stand. That disconnect is also called antipathy.  During questioning, attorneys may initially mirror the witness’s tone, energy, rate, and body language to connect and build trust but then strategically break that alignment to create discomfort.  This shift is particularly effective in creating pressure and undermining a witness’s confidence.

Harvard Psychologist Ellen Langer Shows How Mental Attitude Can Potentially Reverse the Effects of Aging

Want to know when, where, and how to use antipathy or unrapport?  I know that is not a word, but it fits the topic.  Join me for this week’s podcast on Destroy Rapport, Break The Mirror, And Increase Influence.  Discover ways to use this disconnect to influence those who are demanding, unwilling to cooperate, and with dishonest people.

CLICK HERE for the deal of the week

Direct download: Podcast_538_-_Destroy_Rapport_Break_The_Mirror_And_Increase_Influence.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 6:11am CST