Maximize Your Influence
There are many studies the reveal the relationship between visualization and success in sports.  There is a well-known study done by Russian scientists.  They wanted to know the relationship between physical and mental training and what is the most important.

What Is the Ownership Effect

Are you able to help your prospect visualize using your product/service?  Do you want more tools to help people visualize the solution?  It is all about increasing mental involvement and painting that picture. 

Join me for this week’s podcast - Paint The Persuasion Picture – Keys To Mental Engagement.  We will discover the keys to visualization and influence.

Direct download: Podcast_405_-_What_Is_the_Ownership_Effect.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 6:30am CST

Just because you can create a PowerPoint does not mean you know how to communicate, inspire and present.  Sure, you can give a presentation, and no one leaves the room; it doesn’t say anything negative, but did you really have charisma?  Did you influence them to your point of view? 

When preparing your presentation, be sure you have several ways to support and enhance your message. Great persuaders use presentation aids that will, concisely, and efficiently deliver their main points. Visual aids should improve your presentation and help keep people’s attention, but visual overload will distract from your message.

Are your visuals persuasive?  Are you abusing powerpoint?  Are you violating the common powerpoint mistakes?  Want to know how to use powerpoint to become more influential?  

Well, I have the answers….Join me for this week’s podcast - Break Your Powerpoint Addiction – Mistakes Draining Your Influence.  We will discover how to use visual aid that will help you persuade and influence.

Preparation is the magic ingredient to all successful negotiations. When negotiating, you have to be prepared for anything. You need to know the ins and outs, the intricacies of both sides. The more you prepare, the more knowledge you have, you will get a better deal.

Five Presentation Mistakes Everyone Makes

Negotiation is part of everyday life.  As they say - You deserve what you negotiate.  The challenge is negotiation has changed.  Many people are using some old-style, outdated, cheesy tactics that need to be retired.  Join me for this week’s podcast  - The 7 Deadly Negotiation Sins - Mistakes Costing You The Deal.  We will talk about the blunders you are making and how to fix them to increase your success and influence.