Maximize Your Influence

You find yourself in a tense team meeting, striving to defend your stance on a significant project, but you begin to sense that you're losing ground.  Your volume escalates, and you interrupt one of your colleagues to correct their perspective.

Your Brain Is Hooked on Being Right

How do we use brain chemicals to change minds?  Join me for this week’s podcast on Brain Chemicals That Help/Hurt Influence - Cortisol, Oxytocin, Dopamine, And Serotonin.  I will reveal how to use these different brain chemicals to help you persuade and influence.  You need to know some drawbacks before triggering this feeling/chemical in your prospect.  Discover more persuasion tools for your influence toolbox.

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Influence University is the difference between knowing what you want– and getting it, anytime, anyplace, from anybody.Create unimaginable wealth, transform your career, and close more sales. Influence University is the first and only website to combine scientific research, persuasion software, training videos, downloadable audios, and proven exercises.