Maximize Your Influence

Negotiation Versus Persuasion

Let’s talk about where negotiation fits into the world of persuasion and the difference between the two. Persuasion occurs when your ideas are so convincing that the other party ends up adopting your point of view. With persuasion, there is no compromising as there is in negotiation. Rather, the other party willfully and enthusiastically abandons their position to embrace yours. This abandonment is not brought about by manipulation because the other party clearly sees the gains and advantages of doing business with you.

Negotiation, on the other hand, is a process of give and take. It’s being able to overcome objections on both sides of an issue and ultimately reaching some common ground. While persuasion is the ultimate ideal, anytime any one of us is presenting our ideas, the other party is often equally committed to their own convictions, thus making negotiation the next best path.

Often when we hear the word “negotiation,” we think of a complex deal going on in the business world. In reality, however, all of us are involved in multiple negotiation processes every day. For example, when you want steak but your spouse wants lasagna, you may banter back and forth about why one is better than the other. In the end, however, you end up going to a place that offers a bit of both. In that instance, you may not have thought of yourself as negotiating, but that’s really what it was. Negotiation is so common in day-to-day life that you must master the skills of great negotiators to become a Master Persuader.



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Category:Business -- posted at: 5:00am CST

This episode features guest Scott Ingram -

In this episode learn all about why mindset and belief in yourself is absolutely fundamental. And the tips and tricks in getting yourself there. And how to show your customers/prospects that you truly care. 

Kurt and Scott discuss how important it is to be constantly learning, absorbing and surrounding yourself with the best.

They also discussed how most top sales people are more than willing to talk you about their sales process and share the information that they’ve learned. People want to give back and know that they were once at the beginning too. 

Who is doing it the best in your organization/niche? Figure out what they are doing and do the same thing.

Scott points out the one of the most important things is understanding who you are, your unique strengths and what the unique value is that you bring to the way you sell, and do more of that. “

Play up those unique strengths and values and be a more authentic and magnified version of yourself.

Scott Ingram is the host of the Sales Success Stories podcast where he interviews top sales people. Not just high ranking sellers either, everyone Scott talks with on his show is #1. He's also an active sales professional himself.

I’m in sales, and I have always looked for ways to improve myself and achieve more but have been frustrated by the source of most of that content. Instead of hearing from “sales experts” who aren’t currently in sales (somebody selling themselves or some form of sales training doesn’t count); I want to learn from salespeople who are the best of the best. What are they doing to achieve more than anybody else

While this is a very selfish project for me to learn and improve myself, I hope that you can benefit as well. Please subscribe to the podcast, and I invite you to join our Sales Success Community where you’ll find a growing group of like-minded sales achievers.   

Listen to Link Discussed in the Show

Direct download: Podcast_194_-_Sales_Strategies_of_Top_Producers_Scott_Ingram.mp3
Category:sales -- posted at: 5:00am CST

The Value of the Simple Statement

Simple is better than complex. Since we are unable to recapture or replay our spoken words, we hope that they will be correctly interpreted the first time they are heard. Unfortunately, spoken words can be the most misread and misinterpreted form of communication, and therefore, can be a great hindrance to effective persuasion. When you're in a persuasive situation, use simple, direct, and concise language, rather than fretting about how eloquent you're sounding. Persuaders normally try to speak to the lowest common denominator.  You might feel smarter using big words, but simple words are more persuasive.  Complex words will cause people to pretend to understand, but will not be persuaded.


Following are some simple guidelines to keep your speech and verbal packaging on the right track.


· Don't use technical language unless you are sure every member of your audience understands the meaning.


· Don't use profanity. In general, using profanity damages your credibility.  


· Be sensitive to whatever language your audience might find offensive or politically incorrect. 


· Speak in everyday language. You want your audience to relate to you and to feel as comfortable with you as possible.


· Use language that will make you seem familiar and easy to follow.


· Keep your language simple and clear.


· Keep your sentences short. Use as few words as possible unless you are painting the picture—just one idea at a time. 


· Use words that will engage the audience. Use "you," "we," and "us."


· Don't use vague and abstract words. They muddle your meaning and confuse your listener.


· Don't talk down to your listener by using pompous and pretentious words. 


· Use verb-driven language. By using verb-driven language, you will arouse a greater sense of action and motivation. Using action verbs will make your statement more convincing because your audience will engage their emotions, consciously and subconsciously. Verbs that are abstract or overused do not communicate excitement.


Attention-Grabbing Words  

With so many words in the English language to pick from, you must be very particular about which ones to use. Some will grab attention more than others. The following 21 words are commonly used to effectively persuade:


1.         Discover

2.         Guarantee 

3.         Now

4.         Improve

5.         Results

6.         Save

7.         Health

8.         Wealth

9.         Quick

10.       Easy

11.       Money

12.       Free

13.       Avoid

14.       New

15.       Benefit

16.       Proven

17.       Prevent

18.       Transform

19.       You/Your

20.       Eliminate

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Product Special

Magnetic Persuasion – Create Instant Influence



Direct download: Podcast_193_-_The_Art_of_Persuasive_Emails.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 5:00am CST

What Does Improv Have To Do With Business? With guest Kelly Leonard from


The ability to thrive amid change requires 4 things:


·         The ability to recognize where you are in any given moment

·         The flexibility to choose a new path

·         A willingness to collaborate on a solution

·         The freedom to take a risk…and to learn from failure


Great tenets for doing business, right? But these just happen to also be the very same skills we employ in our arena. Improvisation is an art form developed from a need to enhance assimilation, empathy and collaboration.  We didn’t seek out this connection–the findings found us, to say the least. To be honest, we’re kicking ourselves that we didn’t see it sooner.

 In fact, existing academic research and data already points to the power of improvisation. Here are a few of our favorite examples:


Divergent Thinking – “Improvisation encourages people to break away from set patterns of thinking.” –Carine Lewis, Peter J. Lovatt; University of Hertfordshire, UK

Negotiation – “Cooperative improvisation yielded more successful negotiations.” –Paul Ingram, William Duggan; Oxford Handbook of Critical Improvisation Studies

Decision Making – “Without improvisation, emergency management loses flexibility in the face of changing conditions.” –David Mendonca, Giampiero E.G. Beroggi, William A. Wallace; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Problem Solving – “Improvisation shows us creativity in action. If shows that – in art, as in life – failures and mistakes can be turned into chances for original and unpredictable achievements.” –Alessandro Bertinetto, University of Udino


How do we achieve all this? With two little words that can change everything:

 Yes, and.

 That’s it! Our big secret. We teach that by understanding and applying the core improvisational concept  of “Yes, And,” you can pretty much achieve anything. In business–and in life–we are constantly tasked with making something out of nothing: new products, new clients, new strategies, new bosses, new co-workers, new economies.

 You can’t do new by saying no.

 And you can’t stop at yes.

What we’ve learned over more than half a century can bring out the creativity out in anyone. We can teach you and your team how to create an atmosphere that encourages risk taking and produces better understanding, real results and measurable success.

visit for more information!

Direct download: Podcast_192_-_Humor_Improv_and_Influence_-_Interview_-_Kelly_Leonard.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 5:00am CST