Maximize Your Influence

Do you want to be able to think on your feet?  Adjust your presentation on the fly?  Adapt to your prospect and persuade them how they want to be persuaded.  Can you prepare for an impromptu speech? 

The Psychology of Your Scrolling Addiction

Join me for this week’s podcast on How To Think On Your Feet:  The Creative Art Of The Spontaneous, Impromptu Presentation.  Discover the secrets of your creativity and adapt your presentation.

Are your presentations persuasive?  Are you sure?  What about your ability to engage and influence on zoom or other video conferencing platforms?  These skills are critical for influence and upward mobility.

Stanford researchers identify four causes for ‘Zoom fatigue’ and their simple fixes

Eye tracking reveals where people look during Zoom, Webex

20 Astonishing Video Conferencing Statistics for 2021

Join me for this week’s podcast  - How To Make Video Conferencing (And Zoom) More Influential.  We will talk about the science and skills needed to persuade during video conference calls.

Direct download: Podcast_408_-_How_To_Make_Video_Conferencing_And_Zoom_More_Influential.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 10:36am CST

Great persuaders gain control over their destiny by controlling and directing their thoughts.  Considering that our actions are emotion-driven and our emotions are thought-driven, we've got to get our thoughts on track. They determine everything!

What’s the Cost of Self-Control? New Study Tabulates the Bill

What are the other elements of your success?  What pieces are you missing?  How can you reprogram your brain for massive success?  

Join me for this week’s podcast on The Mindset Of A Successful Salesperson.  We will take a deep dive into success skills, personal mastery, and self-persuasion.

Direct download: Podcast_407_-_The_Mindset_Of_A_Successful_Salesperson.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 6:30am CST

No one can follow through on an act or message without first thinking or seeing in their mind that it is possible to accomplish it. You can mentally achieve participation by helping your audience visualize and see in their mind how your product or service will help them.

How are you doing creating images in the mind of your prospect?  Are your prospects questioning your credibility?  Have you lost trust with people?  

Evoking the Imagination as a Strategy of Influence

Join me for this week’s podcast as we tackle both issues that hurt your ability to influence.  The podcast is Lost Trust? - How To Rebuild Credibility In A Skeptical World.