Maximize Your Influence

One of the major distinctions between mediocre persuaders and highly successful persuaders is the amount of talking they do and the number of questions they ask. We have found that great persuaders ask 2.7 more questions of their audience than average persuaders do. Think about that statistic. An average persuader will ask six questions; a great persuader will ask sixteen.

As you apply this principle in your persuasive encounters, always engage your audience with "easy" questions first. Let general questions precede specific ones. You want your audience to feel comfortable and relaxed, and people are encouraged by answers that they know are right, that don't put them on the spot, and that don't arouse anxiety.
Want to get past just hearing and learning how to listen with your ear, eyes and heart? Want to know why introverts outpersuade extroverts? 1 of the 10 reasons is listening, but there are many other factors to influence below the radar. 
Join me for this week’s podcast and you will discover the key factors of persuasion and what has changed in the world of influence.
Direct download: Podcast_305_-_Why_Introverts_Are_Now_More_Persuasive_Then_Extroverts.mp3
Category:sales -- posted at: 6:30am CST

On this episode Kurt interviews Dave Kurlan. They discuss the biggest mistake that sales people make, baseball and sales, biggest mindset obstacles, self-limiting beliefs and how to reprogram your beliefs, how to get your prospect to pay more attention to you than to your competition, the sales process, good closing techniques, how to create urgency early, how to get past a "slump," how to know whether or not your prospect is qualified, and how to deal with resistance.

Dave Kurlan is a Sales Development Expert and a top rated speaker, and the best-selling author of Baseline Selling – How to Become a Sales Superstar by Using What You Already Know about the Game of Baseball. He hosts Meet the Sales Experts, a weekly radio show and is the leading expert in Sales Assessments and Sales Force Evaluations.

He is a contributing author, along with Deepak Chopra, Brian Tracy and Jack Canfield, to the new book, Stepping Stones, and a contributing author, along with Jeffrey Gitomer and Zig Ziglar, to the new book, Mastering the World of Selling. He has published more than 800 articles on his popular sales management Blog, Understanding the Sales Force. He is the founder and CEO of Objective Management Group, and Kurlan & Associates, both Inc 5000 companies.

For more information about Dave and his work visit his site here.


Direct download: Podcast_304_-_Best_of_MYI_-_Dave_Kurlan_-_BaseLine_Selling.mp3
Category:sales -- posted at: 6:30am CST

The proper use of humor will boost your confidence and increase your likeability.  It enables you to establish instant rapport and they will trust you more.   Practice your humor.  Make sure it works.  The brutal bottom line is they will either laugh with you or feel sorry for you.

Supervisors driven by bottom line fail to get top performance from employees

You will be surprised how easy it is to use humor.  You will discover ways to use and borrow humor in your persuasive presentations. Humor opens the door to influence.  Find the ways to make your prospect easier to influence. 

Use the 4 secret motivators to inspire others to get what you want

Direct download: Podcast_303_-_How_Humor_Helps_and_Hurts_Persuasion.mp3
Category:sales -- posted at: 6:30am CST

The good news is you can change many characteristics of your voice.  What does your voice project?  Does your voice work for you or against you?  Find out the ways to make your voice more persuasive on this week’s podcast -  “How to Make Your Voice More Persuasive.”  There are easy tools you can implement to create that perfect persuasive voice.

Article: Our pursuit of happiness makes us sad

Direct download: Podcast_302_-How_To_Make_Your_Voice_More_Persuasive.mp3
Category:sales -- posted at: 6:30am CST