Wed, 22 February 2023
FOMO or the fear of missing out, is human nature 101. When anyone feels their freedom to act or choose is restricted, they will attempt to restore it. With this restriction or fear, we are psychologically driven to latch on to something we fear will be restricted even more. Suddenly, that restricted item or information is even more important to us. Can you judge trustworthiness based on looks - Rice research says no Join me for this week’s podcast on FOMO vs Trust - 10 Ways To Create Instant Action. We will explore ways FOMO does work and when it doesn’t. Also I will reveal the 10 (or more) ways to get someone to act, make a decision or instantly do what you want them to do.
Direct download: Podcast_455_-_FOMO_vs_Trust_-__10_Ways_To_Create_Instant_Action.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 6:30am CST |
Thu, 16 February 2023
Episode 454 - Brain Selling - How Current Brain Research Empowers You To Influence The Subconscious Mind
We think we are logical creatures, but most of the time, we don't know why we do what we do. The majority of influence involves a subconscious trigger. This tendency means that inclinations like "It just feels right," "I trust this person," or "I don't like this person" are all based on unconscious emotional reactions. Conscious and Unconscious Thought Processes So how should you sell the brain? How can you understand what is happening in the unconscious mind? Can you leverage this knowledge to persuade on command? Join me for this week’s podcast on Brain Selling - How Current Brain Research Empowers You To Influence The Subconscious Mind’. You will discover how to use the latest science to influence under the radar. INFLUENCE UNIVERSITY GOLD More Info. Buy Now
Direct download: Podcast_454_-_Brain_Selling_-_How_Current_Brain_Research_Empowers_You_To_Influence_The_Subconscious_Mind_.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 9:52am CST |
Tue, 7 February 2023
Sales professionals use words carefully. They know that one wrong word can send their prospect's mind somewhere else and lose them the sale. Some examples of language that salespeople use to help diffuse a potentially tense situation. Words also have a strong bearing on how we remember certain details. In one study, subjects were asked if they had headaches "frequently" or "occasionally." Those interviewed with the word "frequently" reported 2.2 headaches per week, while those interviewed with the word "occasionally" reported only 0.7 per week. What are other subconscious triggers? What is happening with your brain? How can you use these triggers to become more persuasive? Join me for this week’s podcast on The Iceberg Of Influence - Those Hidden Persuasion Subconscious Triggers.
Direct download: Podcast_453_-_The_Iceberg_Of_Influence_-_Those_Hidden_Persuasion_Subconscious_Triggers.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 6:30am CST |