Tue, 23 March 2021
![]() Learn how to be prepared to handle hecklers and those that will ask the tough questions. Learn to connect on a personal and emotional level. Make sure every member of that audience feels like you are talking to them. Practice your presentation so it becomes part of you, instead of a slick PowerPoint or a tired outline. Manage your fear, anxiety or nervousness, so you can radiate charisma. How can you present with power? What can you do to fine-tune your presentation skills? How can you master the world of public speaking? What do you do with your fear? Join me for this week’s podcast and discover How To Use Emotion, Mood And Vibe To Persuade A Jury Or Prospect - Robbie Crabtree Interview.
Direct download: Podcast_376_-_How_To_Use_Emotion_Mood_And_Vibe_To_Persuade_A_Jury_Or_Prospect_-_Robbie_Crabtree_Interview_1.mp3
Category:sales -- posted at: 6:30am CST |
Tue, 16 March 2021
So how can you use subconscious triggers and options to be more persuasive? What do you need to understand about these triggers that are hurting your sales? How can you persuade better and faster understanding why we do, what we do? Join me for this week’s podcast and discover The10 Psychological Techniques (And Tips) To Sell More And Persuade Faster.
Direct download: Podcast_375_-_10_Psychological_Techniques_And_Tips_To_Sell_More_And_Persuade_Faster_2.mp3
Category:sales -- posted at: 6:30am CST |
Tue, 9 March 2021
One of the biggest challenges we face is that we think, and our audience thinks, we are logical creatures. But most of the time, we don't know why we do what we do. In fact, up to 95 percent of persuasion and influence involves a subconscious trigger. This tendency means that inclinations like "It just feels right," "I trust this person," or "I don't like this person" are all based on subconscious emotional reactions. Stanford researchers identify four causes for ‘Zoom fatigue’ and their simple fixes So how can you use subconscious triggers to be more persuasive? What do you need to understand about these triggers that are hurting your sales? How can you persuade better and faster understanding why we do, what we do? Join me for this week’s podcast and discover The10 Psychological Techniques (And Tips) To Sell More And Persuade Faster.
Direct download: Podcast_374_-_10_Psychological_Techniques_And_Tips_To_Sell_More_And_Persuade_Faster.mp3
Category:sales -- posted at: 6:30am CST |
Wed, 3 March 2021
To maintain order of the world, our brains link objects, gestures, and symbols with our feelings, memories, and life experiences. We mentally associate ourselves with such things as sights, sounds, colors, music, and symbols. These associations create quick subconscious triggers. The feelings you generate can help or hurt your ability to persuade. You could be using symbols that are repelling your prospects. 40 Common Symbols and Meanings (& How to Use Them) Did You Know Selling A Left Handed Person Is Different? Find out what symbols and images are helping and hurting your ability to persuade? What feelings are being triggered when you meet someone? What external unnoticed symbols that surround you are triggering the wrong feelings? On this week’s podcast, I answer these questions and more! Join me for…. How To Use Images and Symbols To Persuade Below The Radar.
Direct download: Podcast_373_-_How_To_Use_Images_and_Symbols_To_Persuade_Below_The_Radar.mp3
Category:sales -- posted at: 6:30am CST |